Blogger Theme Doesn’t Look Like the Demo

So if you’ve installed a Blogger theme but your site doesn’t look like the demo. First, be aware that theme demos are meant to show the potential of that particular theme – in other words, what your site could look like after it’s fully customized, with texts, images, and widgets included and activated. If your theme hasn’t been properly set up and your site graphics don’t match the design (i.e. you picked a minimalist design but the logo/images do not fit), then it cannot look exactly like in the demo.

How to Make Your Blogger Theme Look Like a Demo Preview

1. Remove previous widgets

Every time you install a new theme, Blogger automatically saves your older widgets in the available sections. To remove them, go to ‘Layout‘ and look for the widgets that you’ve had before. Also, ensure to not remove the ones our theme provides as some cannot be added via Blogger.

2. Clear text style and formatting

Editing your content using the post editor, or copying content from an external text editor will overwrite the theme fonts. As a result, you might notice that fonts look different – in this case, you need to edit your post and clear formatting. For more help, check our guide on Why Fonts Don’t Look Like in the Demo.

3. Choose ‘Original’ size for Pictures

Altering the look of your post images can a major change to the appearance of your site. When inserting images in your Blogger posts or pages, pick the ‘Original’ size to make your images full width. Yet, there’s a good chance your images will look different across themes in terms of sizing and placement. It’s important to ensure the images you intend to use are optimized and match the theme design, also.