WordPress: How to Change Colors

If you want to spice things up a bit and make your website look different, then changing the colors might be a good idea. Leveraging the built-in Customizer, you can easily modify colors both globally, affecting the entire website, and individually, targeting specific page elements. This flexibility allows you to tailor the visual experience to your liking, ensuring your website reflects your unique style and vision.

Note: it’s much easier and faster to change colors using the palette. But if you want to adjust the colors of a few elements, do it individually.

Change Color Palette (Globally)

Go to your WordPress dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Fonts & Colors > Global Palette. Within this section, you have the option to adjust not only the background color from light to dark but also the colors of text and accents to suit your preferences.

Change Colors Individually

To change your site colors individually, simply navigate to Appearance > Customize > Fonts & Colors and click on the location or element you want to change.

All color controls support the live-preview feature, so you may instantly preview changes before saving your configuration.